2024 November

Klaipedos Smelte CT successfully migrated to a higher version of TOS, from TOPS Advance to TOPS Expert

2023 December

Additional port territory of 13,2 hectares was taken over from neighboring companies for the further development of the Container Terminal

2023 November

The second block of plugged storage with racks installed for reefer containers. The total number of reefer plugs increased from 465 to 930 units.

2023 April

Dredged of access channel from 14.50 m to 15.50 m scheduled by Port Authority

2022 September

Klaipedos Smelte was awarded the prize “For export development 2022” at the Klaipeda Chamber of Industry, Trade and Crafts organized business nominations awards.

2022 January

Largest Maersk vessel Evelyn Maersk catered by Klaipedos Smelte, a 17.816 TEU ULVC with LOA=399 m and BOA=56 m. It is 2nd largest vessel in the history of Klaipėda port

2021 September

Extension of STS rails by 150 m accomplished

2021 July

After two years’ break Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) are resuming a main liner service to the port of Klaipeda, Lithuania. Since week No. 28 the BAL04 feeder is replaced by the NWC to IPAK, a string connecting Northern Europe to the ports of India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti and other countries.

2021 January

STS No. 5 deployed for operations, first stage of investment program accomplished.


VBS Truck Appointment System launched in cooperation with VISY company


Klaipedos Smelte CT added by TIL the list of terminals forming Excellence Center of the group


First full-scale military project accomplished, involving loading above 300 units of USA Marines (tanks, IFVs and other, racked and wheeled) onto specialized ro-ro carrier Green Ridge


Regular calls of main liner vessels launched, Australia Express and Himalaya Express of MSC; transhipment of containers for St. Petersburg (Russia), Kotka (Finland)and Muuga (Estonia) started


Record size vessel MSC Ingy successfully catered by Klaipedos Smelte, a 19.462 TEU ULVC with LOA=400 m and BOA=59 m


Company awarded the State Tricolor by The President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė, in the event of 99 years’ celebration of Independence Day, when the state flag of Lithuania was raised on STS crane


Flyover bridge above the mainstream railway opened officially, a 4,1 million  investment from Klaipeda State Seaport Authority aimed to ensure an uninterrupted truck access to the terminal


Company awarded a „Lithuanian Product of the Year 2015“ prize for implementation of the hub project


Company wins the title of „Investor 2014“ in the regular annual contest held by Investors‘ Forum Association


Construction of terminal berths No. 90-96 with 13,20 meters draught accomplished, a 6 years’ investment program of 200 mln EUR aimed at catering main liner vessels


In-house training center launched for operators of STS, RTG and MHC cranes; modern simulator installed


Empty container depot function launched (inspection, upgrading, repair etc.) as an integrated part of container terminal operations


First ship-to-shore (STS) gantry crane deployed at the terminal, a turning point from Mobile Harbor Crane (MHC) to STS operations


Heaviest ever project cargo unit, weighing 180 MT, reloaded from vessel with mobile harbor cranes


Controlling share of the company sold to Terminal Investment Limited Sàrl (TIL), the terminal branch of MSC Group


Container terminal launched next to conventional cargo and reefer terminals


Klaipedos Smelte becomes a private company, owned by a local family


Klaipedos Smelte stevedoring company registered, focused on handling of conventional and reefer cargoes


Official opening of Klaipeda fishing harbor that developed into Klaipedos Smelte stevedoring company


a cold store constructed by JV Maistas in company’s area. First terminal operations launched, frozen meat and
butter loaded onto ships.